A native of Montezuma, Iowa where he met his wife, he came to North Dakota in 1901. Major Waters first lived in Grand Forks, moved to Minot and then to Beach where he ranched on 1,000 acres. It was during his time in Beach, North Dakota when he started a banking, mortgage and loan business.
The Major enjoyed horse racing, training and riding his own prize-winning stallion, Major Ong. He was a close friend of A.C. Townley, one of the key figures in starting the Nonpartisan League. Waters was described as a man with many friends “among all classes, parties and creeds. However, Attorney General Langer questioned his resume and Waters’ tenure at the Bank was a short one.
He and his wife had one daughter, Angeline, who married Dr. Chester Davis Dursmee of Chicago, Illinoi. They met while attending Northwestern University in Chicago. They had a son, George, who died when he was 15 years old of heart disease.